My title today is a very famous quote by William Shakespear , and no I am not translating the Hamlet here. I am here to discuss an issue which according to me is becoming intense with every passing generation . 'Parenthood', is often regraded as the greatest gift of God to a woman. Often said that a woman or a family is complete after a child is born. No questions neither an iota of doubt on that, the question here is shouldn't this be an option a choice that woman or rather the couple should be allowed to make. Why should it be a passed on tradition which should be followed without any ifs or buts. Why is it mandatory for every 'married couple' to become a parent irrespective of their choice. Parenthood is a feeling, an emotion which should be made only when one is ready to manage a responsibility so big. We have a right on our body, then why immediately after marriage the society tries to barge into our private space and force the tradition upon us. Surpri