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Showing posts from July, 2020

Optimistic vs. Realistic

Today when everything around has slowed down and we are stretching ourselves to achieve our full potential by managing both home and office, we often tend to loose ourselves in all the hustle bustle. We follow the same routine and have become machines. In this everyday tussle we forget who we are and what are our wants. This is when we start sinking in the world unknown and we 'try' and search the brighter side of our lives but when we fail to do so we tend to curse our luck and everything around us. If you have noticed closely, we will always find two sort of people around us firstly the Optimistic category who will just overlook the negative and ugly things around. I feel they live in a wonderland of their own and wish to see only happy things around them. This style of facing our life is definitely good as we stay away from worries and tensions, but the discord strikes when something bad happens and we can't look beyond the sadness that is when we sink into the dark un...